Quantum field theory under the influence of external conditions
2011, Sep 18 -- Sep 24
M. Asorey (U. Zaragoza)
M. Bordag (U. Leipzig)
E. Elizalde (ICE, CSIC)
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QFEXT11 is a continuation of a series of workshops of the same title held at the University of Leipzig in 1989, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2007, at the University of Oklahoma in 2003,2009, and at the University of Barcelona in 2005. Started with the intention of bringing about an East-West scientific dialog, QFEXT developed into one of the most prominent meetings in the field of the Casimir effect, vacuum energy, and related questions in several areas, ranging from quantum field theory and cosmology to atomic, subnuclear, and experimental physics. Typically mathematical questions related to spectral geometry are represented as well. These meetings have created a unique atmosphere where theoreticians, mathematicians and experimentalists are brought together for a week, where talks by colleagues that they might rarely hear otherwise often spark lively debate and result in numerous collaborations.
QFEXT11 will also celebrate the 75th anniversary of the seminal paper 'Consequences of the Dirac Theory of the Positron', by W. Heisenberg and H. Euler (Zeitschr. Phys. 98, 714-732, 1936), which played an important part in establishing the study of quantum fields in classical background fields. We plan to include a special session devoted to Heisenberg-Euler effective Lagrangians and their impact in modern physics.
1. Casimir and van der Waals forces; theoretical and experimental aspects, with applications at the nanoscale.
2. Quantum vacuum effects in quantum field theory, with applications to particle physics, condensed matter physics, laser and atomic physics.
3. Quantum field theory in strong external fields and in curved space-time.
4. Vacuum energy in gravity, cosmology and astrophysics.
5. Mathematical physics techniques for quantum vacuum studies, including
supersymmetric and noncommutative theories.
Proceedings of the Workshop will be published in International Journal of Modern Physics A.
Proceedings of the previous workshops can be found in: QFEXT Proceedings
The formal structure of the conference consists of plenary and contributed talks, the latter organized in parallel sessions.
In addition, there will be a poster session.
QFEXT11 Junior Paper Award (Sponsored by the ESF network CASIMIR).
During the conference, an international jury chaired by Dr. A. Lambrecht will select the best junior paper of QFEXT11 on Casimir and closely related effects. All papers on this topic presented by students or post docs will be considered eligible, regardless the form of the contribution (poster or oral presentation). The award will be assigned on the basis of the scientific content of the paper and of the quality of the presentation. The winner will receive 1000 Euros and a certificate.
International Advisory Committee
Manuel Asorey, University of Zaragoza
Michael Bordag, University of Leipzig, Chair
Gerald Dunne, University of Connecticut
Emilio Elizalde, IEEC/CSIC, Barcelona
Astrid Lambrecht, ENS/CNRS, UPMC, Paris
Kimball Milton, University of Oklahoma
Umar Mohideen, University of California, Riverside
Vladimir Mostepanenko, A. Friedmann Lab., St. Petersburg
Alexei Starobinsky, Landau Institute, Moscow
Local Organizing Committee
M. Asorey, Chair
E. Elizalde
J. Mateos
I. Cavero
A. J. Lopez-Revelles
D. Saez-Gomez
A. Santagata
Conference fee: The registration fee of 200€ will be paid upon arrival at the conference.
Financial support:
In some special cases the organization can provide partial financial support.
Click here for application.
Sponsors include
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Further Information.