International Congress on Media, Gender and Sexualities: Representations, Literacies and Audiences
2023, Jun 06 - Jun 10
Maria-Jose Masanet (University of Barcelona)
María Teresa Soto-Sanfiel (National University of Singapore - UAB)
- Jack Halberstam: Professor of Comparative Literature and Director of the Institute for Research on Women, Gender and Sexuality at Columbia University. He is the author of different academic and general works of reference such as: Skin shows: Gothic horror and the technology of monsters (Duke UP, 1995), Female masculinity (Duke UP, 1998), In a queer time and place (NYU Press, 2005), The queer art of failure (Duke UP, 2011), Gaga feminism: Sex, gender, and the end of normal (Beacon Press, 2012), Trans*: A quick and quirky account of gender variance (University of California Press) and Wild things: The disorder of desire (Duke UP, 2020).
- Lucas Platero: Professor of Social Psychology at the Rey Juan Carlos University, a lecturer on social and community interventions and an activist for LGBT rights. Platero received the Emma Goldman Award from the Flax Foundation (2020). He is a researcher on several projects funded by European and Spanish competitive public calls on issues of public policy analysis on the body, gender, sexuality, functional disabilities and queer pedagogies. In addition to being the author of numerous articles in research journals, he has also published more general works of reference: Herramientas para combatir el bullying homofóbico (Talasa, 2007); Lesbianas. Discursos y representaciones (Melusina, 2008), Intersecciones. Cuerpos y sexualidades en la encrucijada (Bellaterra, 2012); Trans*exualidades. Acompañamientos, factores de salud y recursos educativos (Bellaterra, 2014); Por un chato de vino. Historias de travestismo y masculinidad femenina (Bellaterra, 2015); Barbarismos queer y otras esdrújulas (Bellaterra, 2017) and (h)amor 6 trans* (Continta Me Tienes, 2021). He also directs Editorial Bellaterra's General University Series.
- Maria Rodó-Zárate: Professor in the Department of Political and Social Sciences at Pompeu Fabra University. Her scientific work is focused on the study of social inequalities from an intersectional, spatial and emotional perspective applied to topics such as the right to the city, chauvinistic violence and LGBTI-phobia. Rodó-Zárate is especially interested in feminist geographies, and the geographies of sexualities and youth. She also develops specific methodologies for the study of intersectionality, such as her Relief Maps of experiences that can be used to study inequalities, and which won the Ramon Molinas Award for the best social impact project. She has been a visiting researcher in the US, Brazil and Ireland. She is currently leading the INTERMAPS project that maps inequalities, funded by an ERC Starting Grant.
- Sofie Van Bauwel: Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Ghent University where she teaches cultural media studies, gender and media, and television studies. Van Bauwel is a member of the Centre for Cinema and Media Studies (CIMS). Her main fields of interest are gender, sexuality, media and television. Her research focuses on the analysis of the media as significant articulations of visual popular culture, on which she has published extensively. Together with Tonny Krihnen, she recently published the book: Gender and Media. Representing, Producing and Consuming (Routledge, 2022).