Entanglement in Action
2022, May 15 -- May 20
G. Gour (Calgary, Canada)
B. Kraus (Innsbruck, Austria)
J. I. Latorre (CQT, Singapore - TII, Abu Dhabi)
K. Zyczkowski (Kraków, Poland)
Opening of the workshop | |
TBA | |
Tobias Fritz (onsite) | |
Spontaneous talks and discussions | |
A smallest computable entanglement monotone and the practical detection of entanglement (online) | |
Jens Eisert | |
Entanglement-Optimal Unravellings of Quantum Many-Body Markov Processes (online) | |
Hannes Pichler | |
Poster Session I | |
No-signaling assamblages: extremal quantum points in a postquantum framework | |
Pawel Horodecki (onsite) | |
Spontaneous talks and discussions | |
Entanglement detection with randomized measurements | |
Andreas Elben (online) | |
TBA | |
Marcus Huber (online) | |
Randomized benchmarking | |
Ingo Roth (on site) |
Multipartite Entanglement in Action | |
Andreas Osterloh (onsite) | |
The shape of higher-dimensional state space: Hilbert-Schmidt geometry of a qutrit and beyond | |
Jens Siewert (Ikerbasque, Bilbao) | |
Spontaneous talks and discussions | |
Dynamical entanglement (online) | |
Carlo Maria Scandolo | |
Magic, majorization and quasi-distributions (online) | |
David Jennings | |
Poster Session II | |
Uncertainty relations with the variance and the quantum Fisher information | |
Geza Toth (onsite) | |
Spontaneous talks and discussions | |
Genuine multipartite entanglement and nonlocality in pair-entangled network states (online) | |
Julio de Vicente | |
TBA | |
Maciej Lewenstein (onsite) | |
Closing of the workshop | |