LatticeNET School on Computing in HEP
2022, Sep 18 -- Sep 24
Red LatticeNET
V. Azcoiti (U. Zaragoza - Coordinator)
I. Campos (CSIC - Chair)
A. Vaquero (Utah U. - Chair)
The Spanish thematic network on Lattice QCD, LatticeNET, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, announces the organization of the school: “Computing Challenges in HEP @Exascale” to take place at the Benasque Center for Sciences (Benasque, Spain), from 19th to 23rd of September 2022.
The school aims to develop a broad interest program, oriented to generate synergies across the community. We welcome Master's, PhD´s. Students and Early Career Postdocs from the extended HEP community. Topics will cover aspects of general applicability in scientific computing for High Energy Physics using as guidelines the current status of Lattice QCD, LHC data analysis and Phenomenology codes requirements.
The list of topics to be addressed contains:
- State of the play in HEP large scale simulations: challenges ahead towards exploiting Exascale-size computing to solve fundamental problems. | |
- Numerical approaches: algorithms, from design to implementation. | |
- Artificial intelligence: Machine learning. | |
- Scientific programming in heterogeneous architectures, from CPU, to GPUs and FPGAs. | - Quantum Computing |
- Evolution of computing infrastructures for HEP: requirements versus current hardware evolution. | |
- Handling Scientific Software Lifecycle: state-of-the-art tools and best practices in scientific code development from a practitioner's point of view. | |
- The data challenge: from generation to preservation. |
The most up-to-date program can be found at:
Support for the tutorials in HPC Finisterrae-3 is kindly provided by the Supercomputing Center of Galicia - CESGA
The school has capacity for about 40 students. More details and registration procedures will be updated in this page by mid February 2022.
Confirmed Lecturers
Samuel Antao (AMD)
Simone Bacchio (Cyprus Institute)
Tommaso Boccali (INFN-Pisa)
Mattia Bruno (Univ. of Milano/CERN)
Luigi Del Debbio (Univ. of Edinburgh)
Patrick Fuhrmann (DESY)
Jorge Gomes (LIP, Portugal)
Antonio Gordillo (Univ. of Extremadura, Spain)
Rajan Gupta (Los Alamos Natl. Lab.)
Martin Lüscher (CERN and AEC - Bern)
Agostino Patella (Univ. of Humboldt)
Antonio Rago (CP3-Origins & IMADA , Univ. of Southern Denmark - CERN)
Alberto Ramos (IFIC-CSIC, Spain)
Juan J. Ruiz-Lorenzo (Univ. of Extremadura and BIFI)
The School acknowledges funding from the following organisations:
- Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - via the Red Española de Lattice Gauge Theory (Ref: RED2018-102504-T)
- European Commission - via the project EOSC-synergy funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020
(Grant Agreement No 857647)
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Support in Finisterrae-3 by ![]() |
The registration fee for this conference is 200 eur.
Pay by bank transfer
The registration fee must be paid to the account of the Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual after your application has been accepted.
Ibercaja (account number): 2085 2310 3803 3004 4193
IBAN: ES44 2085 2310 3803 3004 4193
Remember that your registration is complete only after the payment is made.
* Please, pay after your application has been accepted.
* Please, send a confirmation by e-mail to
* Please pay all bank charges
* Include as a subject in the transfer '2022lattice Your_Surname'
* In the comments section include:
Full name of the conference and your name.
Pay by credit card
Credit card online payments here.
* You have to be registered.
* Please, pay after your application has been accepted.
*Cancellation Policy*
A 30 euro charge will be applied for cancellations made up to 10 days before the conference start date.
A no refund policy will be applied to cancellations made after this date.
Further Information.