Entanglement in Strongly Correlated Systems
2020, Feb 09 -- Feb 22
F. Mila (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
R. Orús (DIPC)
D. Poilblanc (CNRS / U. Toulouse)
N. Schuch (Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics / MCQST)
Download pdf version of the program here.
Bus ride to Benasque from Barcelona university | |
Bus ride to Benasque from Barcelona airport | |
Registration and Welcome | |
Lecture 1: Fractional Quantum Hall effect | |
Cecile Repellin | |
Lunch and discussion | |
Lecture 1: Tensor networks | |
Philippe Corboz | |
Origin of the slow growth of entanglement entropy in long-range interacting spin systems | |
S. Pappalardi | |
Classification of Matrix-Product Unitaries with Symmetries | |
C. Suenderhauf |
The 16-fold way in the Kitaev honeycomb model | |
Jean-Noel Fuchs | |
Lecture 2: Tensor networks | |
Philippe Corboz | |
Interplay of symmetry and topology in materials | |
Maia Garcia-Vergniory | |
Entanglement spectrum in non-Hermitian systems | |
Loic Herviou | |
Novel phases of matter in frustrated magnets: the fascinating pyrochlore architecture | |
Yasir Iqbal |
Mean-field approach for topological phases and beyond | |
Julien Vidal | |
Variational MC of frustrated magnets | |
Federicco Becca | |
Lecture 2: Fractional Quantum Hall effect | |
Cecile Repellin | |
SU\$(3)\_1\$ Chiral Spin Liquid on the Square Lattice: a View from Symmetric PEPS | |
Ji-Yao Chen | |
Open system with extended reservoirs - Tensor Network approach for quantum transport | |
G. Wojtowicz |
Realiztion of Floquet topological phases with ultracold atoms | |
Monika Aidelsburger | |
A new approach to extract accurate critical data from iMPS simulations | |
Andreas Lauechli | |
Lecture 3: Tensor networks | |
Philippe Corboz | |
Advancing the optimization of iPEPS: Direct energy minimization with automatic differentiation | |
Juraj Hasik | |
Spin-1/2 kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet with strong breathing anisotropy | |
S. Jahromi |
Weak ergodicity breaking and quantum many-body scars | |
C.J. Turner | |
Ashkin-Teller transition of Rydberg atoms with two-site blockade | |
N. Chepiga | |
Extended Spin-Liquid Region and Competing Ground-State Constraints Induced Order in Kitaev Material | |
Ke Liu | |
Quantum spin liquid phases in the bilinear-biquadratic two-SU(4)-fermion Hamiltonian on the square lattice | |
O. Gauthé |
Lecture 1: Supersymmetry | |
Kareljan Schoutens | |
Algorithms for Tensor Network Contraction Ordering | |
F. Schindler | |
Dynamical structure factors of dynamical quantum simulators | |
Maria L. Baez | |
Lecture 1: Macroscopic entanglement, spin liquids and Kitaev models | |
Simon Trebst | |
Lecture 1: TBA | |
Frank Verstraete |
Quantum criticality of two-dimensional quantum magnets with long-range interactions | |
Kai Schmidt | |
Lecture 2: TBA | |
Frank Verstraete | |
Lecture 2: Supersymmetry | |
Kareljan Schoutens | |
Lecture 2: Macroscopic entanglement, spin liquids and Kitaev models | |
Simon Trebst |
Lecture 3: Supersymmetry | |
Kareljan Schoutens | |
Lecture 3: TBA | |
Frank Verstraete | |
Precision spectral densities in correlated systems using quantum information | |
Karen Hallberg | |
Lecture 3: Macroscopic entanglement, spin liquids and Kitaev models | |
Simon Trebst |
A continuum scaling hypothesis for MPS | |
B. Vanhecke | |
Gapped Z_2 spin liquid in the breathing kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet | |
Mohsin Iqbal | |
Absorbing Fermionic Statistics by Lattice Gauge Fields and Eliminating the Fermions | |
Erez Zohar | |
Detecting entanglement and Bell non-locality in correlations (better if strong) | |
Tommaso Roscilde | |
The MBL problem: alternatives to climb the exponential wall | |
N. Laflorencie | |
Classifying topological many-body localized phases | |
T.B. Wahl |
Tensor network representations of parton wave functions | |
Hong-Hao Tu | |
Combining Tensor Networks and Monte Carlo for Lattice Gauge Theories | |
P. Emonts | |
Entanglement entropy from nonequilibrium work | |
J. D'Emidio | |
Model wavefunctions for interfaces between lattice Laughlin states | |
B.Jaworowski | |
Fundamental Theorem for PEPS. | |
A. Molnar |
Bus ride to Barcelona airport | |