VIII Partial differential equations, optimal design and numerics
2019, Aug 18 -- Aug 30
G. Buttazzo (U. Pisa)
O. Glass (U. Paris-Dauphine)
G.Leugering (U. Erlangen-Nürnberg)
E. Zuazua (DeustoTech - UAM - LJLL Paris)
Minimal null-control time issues for parabolic systems | |
BOYER Franck (Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse, France) | |
Controllability properties of a magnetized microswimmer | |
LISSY Pierre (Université de Paris-Dauphine, France) | |
Thematic session on "Homogenization and optimal design" | |
coordinated by Krešimir Burazin (U. of Osijek, Croatia) | |
Methods based on shape derivative for the optimal design on annulus | |
Petar Kunštek (U. of Zagreb, Croatia) | |
Optimality criteria method for problems of optimal design in linearized elasticity | |
Ivana Crnjac (U. of Osijek, Croatia) | |
On composite elastic plate and Hashin-Shtrikman bounds | |
Krešimir Burazin (U. of Osijek, Croatia) | |
Thematic session on "Nonlocal PDE and control" | |
coordinated by Umberto Biccari (U. of DeustoTech, Spain) and Sebastián Zamorano (U. de Santiago de Chile) | |
Controllability of a 1d fractional heat equation under positivity constraints | |
Umberto Biccari (U. of DeustoTech, Spain) | |
On the controllability of the wave equation with a second order memory term | |
Sorin Micu (U. of Craiova, Romania) | |
Non local models based on hyperelasticity | |
Javier Cueto García (U. of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) | |
Well-posedness and approximation schemes for nonlocal boundary-value problems | |
Nicola de Nitti (U. of Bari, Italy) | |
Exterior control problem of strong damped nonlocal wave equation and nonlocal heat equation | |
Sebastián Zamorano (U. of Santiago de Chile) |
Relaxed multi-marginal costs and quantization effects | |
BOUCHITTÉ Guy (Université de Toulon, France) | |
Singularities from Hamilton-Jacobi | |
Wei Cheng (Nanjing University, China) | |
Thematic session on Schrödinger Equation, control and other topics | |
coordinated by Romain Joly (Université Grenoble-Alpes) and Alessandro Duca (Université Grenoble-Alpes) | |
Quadratic behaviors of the 1D linear Schrödinger equation, with bilinear control | |
Mégane Bournissou (ENS Rennes) | |
Bilinear control problems on quantum graphs | |
Alessandro Duca (Université Grenoble-Alpes) | |
Control of quantum states by quasi-adiabatic motions | |
Romain Joly (Université Grenoble-Alpes) | |
Thematic session on "Perspectives on free boundary problems" | |
coordinated by Nicola De Nitti (U. of Bari, Italy), Borjan Geshovski (U. Autonoma Madrid, Spain), Debayan Maity (U. Autonoma Madrid, Spain) | |
Controllability of low Reynolds number swimmers of ciliated type | |
Jérôme Lohéac | |
Controllability of perturbed porous medium flow | |
Borjan Geshkovski | |
Fluid-Structure models arising in blood-flow models | |
Debayan Maity | |
Singularly Perturbed Elliptic Systems with Asymptotic Phase Segregation | |
Farid Bozorgnia | |
Sharp criteria for the waiting time phenomenon in solutions to the thin film equation | |
Nicola De Nitti |
Measure of the compactifying effect for conservation laws | |
GLASS Olivier (Université de Paris-Dauphine, France) | |
Boundary controllability and stabilizability for networks of nonlinear strings, springs and masses with non-local couplings | |
LEUGERING Günter ((University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany) | |
Thematic session on "Spectral optimization problems" | |
coordinated by Maria del Mar Gonzalez (U. Autonoma of Madrid, Spain) and Farid Bozorgnia (Instituto Superior Técnico of Lisbon, Portugal) | |
Relations between torsional rigidity and principal eigenvalue | |
Giuseppe Buttazzo (U. of Pisa, Italy) | |
On the Steklov eigenvalue and higher order generalizations | |
Maria del Mar Gonzalez (U. Autonoma of Madrid, Spain) | |
Eigenvalues of p-Laplace and Infinity Laplace operator | |
Farid Bozorgnia (Instituto Superior Técnico of Lisbon, Portugal) | |
Thematic session "Young researchers" | |
coordinated by Hugo Parada (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile) and Claudia Moreno (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile) | |
Feedback stabilization with delay boundary control of some parabolic-elliptic system | |
Hugo Parada (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile) | |
Controllability of the Korteweg-de Vries equation on a Star-Shaped Network | |
Claudia Moreno (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile) | |
An optimal control problem governed by heat equation with nonconvex constraints applied to selective laser melting process | |
Tonia-Maria Alam (Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, France) | |
Regularity of a minimizers in 2d of the optimal p-compliance problem with length penalization | |
Bohdan Bulanyi (University Paris Diderot, France) | |
A finite element method for elliptic distributed optimal control problem with pointwise control and state constraints | |
Kamana Porwal (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India) |
The behavior of an elastic body subjected to a strong oscillating magnetic field | |
CASADO DÍAZ Juan (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) | |
Singularities in nonlocal transport and coagulation-fragmentation equations | |
FONTELOS Marco (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Spain) | |
Thematic session on "Turnpike and parameter dependent control" | |
coordinated by Dario Pighin (U. Autónoma of Madrid, Spain), Victor Hernandez Santamaria (U. of Toulouse, France) | |
The Turnpike Phenomenon for Problems of Optimal Boundary Control | |
Martin Gugat (U. of Erlangen-Nürnberg) | |
Turnpike theory and applications | |
Dario Pighin (U. Autónoma de Madrid) | |
The role of state constraints in turnpike phenomena for LQ problems | |
Roberto Guglielmi (Gran Sasso Science Institute) | |
Turnpike property for the two and three dimensional Navier-Stokes equations | |
Sebastián Zamorano (U. of Santiago de Chile) | |
Averaged controllability of finitely many strings equations | |
Jérome Loheac (Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy) | |
Thematic session on optimal control, Hamilton-Jacobi and related problems | |
coordinated by Faustino Maestre (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) | |
On optimal potential problems for bounded and unbounded domains | |
Faustino Maestre (Sevilla, Spain) | |
Control of incomplete data problems. Application to an ecology problem | |
Abdennebi Omrane (University of French Guiana) |
Optimal shapes for the 2d Neumann-Kelvin problem | |
Morgan Pierre (Université de Poitiers, France) | |
Implicit-explicit Runge Kutta schemes for convection-degenerate diffusion PDE | |
Pep Mulet (University of Valencia, Spain) | |
Thematic session on Control and stabilization of hyperbolic Systems | |
coordinated by Martin Gugat (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) and Günter Leugering (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) | |
On the non-stabilizability for networks of strings | |
Martin Gugat (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany) | |
Nodal profile exact controllability for the Saint Venant system on networks with cycles | |
Günter Leugering (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany) | |
H1-exponential stabilization for the intrinsic geometrically exact beam | |
Charlotte Rodriguez (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany) | |
Inverse design of one-dimensional Burgers equation | |
Thibault Liard (DeustoTech University of Deusto) | |
Thematic session on Control of PDEs | |
coordinated by Pierre Lissy (U. Paris-Dauphine, France) and Armand Koenig (U. Nice, France) | |
Null controllability for Parabolic equations with Dynamic boundary conditions | |
Lahcen Maniar (Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco) | |
Approximation of the controls for the 2-D wave equation | |
Laurentiu Temereanca (University of Craiova, Romania) | |
Local exact control of non-isentropic Navier-Stokes equations | |
Nicolas Molina (Univ. Paris-Dauphine, France) | |
Thermoelasticity: from exponentiel to polynomial decay | |
Salem Nafiri (EHTP, Casablanca, Morocco) |
Controllability of systems of fourth order parabolic PDEs | |
Alberto Mercado (UTFSM, Chile / Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, France) | |
Control issues and linear constraints on the control and the controlled trajectory. | |
Sylvain Ervedoza (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse and CNRS, France) | |
Thematic session "Young researchers" | |
coordinated by Umberto Biccari (University of Deusto) and Sebastián Zamorano (Universidad de Santiago de Chile) | |
Games for the evolution problem associated to the eigenvalues of the Hessian | |
Carlos Esteve (Sorbonne Université, France) | |
The role of the dimension in the control on some networked multiagent systems | |
Domènec Ruiz I Balet (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) | |
Long-time behavior of a model of rigid structure floating in a viscous fluid | |
Gastón Vergara (Université de Bordeaux, France) |