2017, Jul 10 -- Jul 14
Juan León (IFF-CSIC)
Juan José García Ripoll (IFF-CSIC)
Download pdf version of the program here.
Registration | |
Tutorial | |
A. Bermúdez | |
Tutorial | |
M. Müller | |
Tutorial | |
P. Schindler | |
Tutorial | |
M. Peev |
Tutorial | |
J. Rarity | |
Tutorial | |
R. Renner | |
Tutorial | |
P. Treutlein |
Registration | |
Quantum communication | |
H. Zbinden | |
Enabling daylight free-space quantum communication through beam stabilization techniques | |
V. Fernández | |
Photonics and enabling tech. | |
M. Atature | |
Detection of Zak phases and topological invariants in a chiral quantum walk of twisted photons | |
A. Dauphin | |
Emergent Causality and the N-photon Scattering Matrix in Waveguide QED | |
D. Zueco | |
Exploring topological physics with three-dimensional photonic crystals | |
J. Bravo-Abad | |
Plenoptic imaging at the diffraction limit | |
M. D'Angelo | |
Quantum Metrology | |
P. Treutlein | |
A laser-cooled 40 Ca + ion as high-sensitive sensor for mass and laser spectroscopy | |
M. J. Gutiérrez | |
Entanglement-enhanced radio-frequency field detection and waveform sensing | |
F. Martin Ciurana | |
Quantum state tracking and arbitrary phase estimation with planar quantum squeezed states | |
R. Sewell | |
Dynamical Casimir Effect as a resource for boson sampling architectures | |
C. Sabín | |
RICE Network meeting and discussion | |
Quantum Information | |
R. Renner | |
Multipartite entanglement transformations with local operations and finite rounds of classical communication | |
J. de Vicente | |
High violations of Bell-inequalities and the issue of signaling | |
M. Kleinmann | |
Interferometric visibility and coherence | |
M. García Díaz | |
Quantum Computing | |
P. Schindler | |
Nonlinear Quantum Rabi Model with Trapped Ions | |
I. Arrazola | |
Coupling small spin ensembles to superconducting on-chip resonators | |
F. Luis | |
Decoherence in molecular solid-state systems | |
A. Gaita-Ariño | |
Acoustic Traps and Lattices for Electrons in Semiconductors | |
G. Giedke | |
Manipulability, coherence and entanglement of acceptor qubits in Si and Ge | |
J. C. Abadillo-Uriel | |
A bilayer Double Semion Model with Symmetry-Enriched Topological Order | |
L. Ortiz | |
Measures of Correlation for Quantum Dynamics | |
A. Rivas | |
Sublattice localization and quantum-state transfer of doublons in 2D lattices | |
M. Bello Gamboa | |
Signatures of a 4pi-periodic supercurrent in the voltage response of a capacitively shunted topological Josephson junction | |
J. Picó-Cortés | |
Purifications and positive approximation of operators using the sum of squares polynomial method | |
A. Cadarso | |
Poster Session | |
Generalized Dicke models with trapped ions | |
I. Aedo | |
Novel method to detect spin liquids: Random Boundary Conditions | |
A.Yuste | |
Consequences of collective dissipation in optomechanical systems | |
A. Cabot | |
Topological properties of generalized SSH models | |
B. Pérez | |
Control of spontaneous patterns in coherently driven polariton microcavities | |
G. Díaz | |
Control system for shortcut-to-adiabaticity experiments | |
J. J. del Pozo | |
Are there operational differences between real and complex quantum theory? | |
N. Muñoz | |
Heisenberg scaling in a network of semi-classical oscillators | |
S. Fernandez | |
Non-adiabatic state transfer in a triple quantum dot | |
Y. Ban |
Quantum Simulation | |
D. Porras | |
Quantum Droplets in a Bose-Bose mixture | |
C. Cabrera | |
Quantum Machine Learning with Quantum Technologies | |
L. Lamata | |
Quantum Networks in Divergence-free Circuit QED | |
A. Parra Rodriguez | |
Quantum Complex Cystems | |
A. Olaya-Castro | |
Vibronic effects in light-harvesting systems: From photosynthesis to charge separation in organic solar cells | |
A. D. Somoza Márquez | |
Symmetries and energy transport in open quantum systems | |
D. Manzano | |
Quantum synchronization and decoherence | |
R. Zambrini |