Quantum Simulations
2011, Feb 28 -- Mar 05
E. Solano (U. País Vasco - Ikerbasque Foundation, Bilbao)
J. García-Ripoll (Instituto de Física - CSIC, Madrid)
C. Roos (IQOQI, Innsbruck)
Chairman: Göran Wendin (9:00-11:00) Chairman: Kenneth Brown (11:30-12:50) Chairman: Rainer Blatt (16:00-17:00) Chairman: Andrew White (17:30-19:40) | |
Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ions | |
R. Blatt | |
New ion (+atom) trap concepts for quantum simulations | |
T. Schätz | |
Quantum simulation with trapped atomic ion spins | |
E. Edwards | |
Designing Spin-Spin Interactions in cold Ion Crystals | |
F. Schmidt-Kaler | |
Measuring magnetic gradient induced coupling (MAGIC) between ion "spins" | |
C. Wunderlich | |
Quantum simulation with phonons in ion traps | |
D. Porras | |
Quantum simulations of quantum field theories in trapped ions | |
L. Lamata | |
Quantum simulation of the Majorana equation and unphysical operations in trapped ions | |
J. Casanova | |
Robust preparation and manipulation of protected qubits using time–varying Hamiltonians | |
T. Coudreau | |
Quantum Simulations with Integrated Quantum Photonics | |
J. O'Brien | |
Modelling relativistic quantum mechanics in optical waveguiding structures | |
A. Szameit | |
Photonic Quantum Simulation of Valence-Bond States | |
P. Walther | |
Strongly Correlated Photons in Nonlinear Resonators and Waveguides | |
M. Hartmann | |
Photonic quantum simulators: mimicking condensed matter physics using photons | |
D. Angelakis | |
End of the talks | |
Chairman: David Guery-Odelin (09:00-11:00) Chairman: Jean-Michel Raimond (11:30-12:30) Chairman: Stephan Kuhr (16:00-17:00) Chairman: Ben Lanyon (17:30-19:30) | |
Single-site-resolved detection and manipulation of atoms in an optical lattice | |
S. Kuhr | |
Spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates | |
Yu-Ju Lin | |
Remote Entanglement between a Single Atom and a Bose-Einstein Condensate | |
M. Lettner | |
Quantum Simulation with Ultracold Atoms on Atom Chips | |
R. Schmied | |
Simulating a Majorana chain with ultra-cold Fermions | |
E. Rico | |
Simulating the Dicke quantum phase transition with ultracold atoms inside an optical cavity | |
F. Brennecke | |
Open-System Quantum Simulation with Rydberg Atoms and Ions | |
M. Müller / J Barreiro | |
Simulation of a Kerr Hamiltonian by reservoir engineering in Cavity QED | |
J. M. Raimond | |
Simulating a chemical reaction with a condensate or single atoms | |
J. G. Muga | |
Observation of the geometric phase with nonunitary evolution in a NMR quantum simulator | |
P. Hauke | |
Quantum computation for the simulation of chemical systems | |
A. Aspuru-Guzik | |
Quantum Lattice Gases and Quantum Simulation | |
P. Love | |
Simulating quantum systems in biology, chemistry and physics | |
A. White | |
Quantum Simulations of Fundamental Phenomena | |
R. Schützhold | |
End of the talks | |
Chairman: Frank Wilhelm (09:00-11:00) Chairman: Alexandre Blais (11:30-12:30) Chairman: Michael Hartmann (17:30-19:30) | |
Toward classical-quantum hybrid information processing | |
G. Wendin | |
Dispersive multi-mode mediated qubit coupling in circuit QED | |
S. Filipp | |
Circuit QED with Nonlinear Resonators | |
A. Blais | |
Quantum simulations with photons in circuit quantum electrodynamics | |
A. Houck | |
Investigating relativistic quantum field theory in superconducting circuits | |
G. Johansson | |
Parametric Resonators for Quantum Information Applications | |
C. Wilson | |
Continuous variable quantum simulation | |
V. Kendon | |
Spin qubits and quantum magnetism in semiconductor quantum dots | |
L.Vandersypen | |
Quantum simulation using exciton-polaritons | |
T. Byrnes | |
Quantum Simulation of Molecular Collisions with Prethreshold Superconducting Qubits | |
E. J. Pritchett | |
Circuit Photonic Crystals | |
D. Zueco | |
Quantum simulation of Deep and Ultrastrong Coupling Regimes of the Jaynes-Cummings Model | |
I. Lizuain | |
End of the talks | |
Chairman: Alan Aspuru-Guzik (09:00-11:00) Chairman: Enrique Rico Ortega (11:30-12:40) Chairman: Daniel Braun (16:00-17:00) Chairman: Ralf Schützhold (17:30-19:10) | |
Simulating Time-Dependent Quantum Dynamics On A Quantum Computer | |
B. C. Sanders | |
Limits of Quantum Simulation | |
K. Brown | |
Simulations of real time evolution of quantum-many body systems with Matrix Product States | |
M. C. Bañuls | |
Sharpening Occam's Razor with Quantum Mechanics | |
M. Gu | |
Superfluid and supersolid phases in 1D Matrix Product States with periodic boundary conditions | |
D. Rossini | |
Classical Simulations of Many-Body Systems with Infinite Projected Entangled Pair States | |
R. Orus | |
Generation of Topological order on 2D cluster state | |
W. Son | |
Synthetic Gauge Fields and Topological Insulators With Neutral Atoms | |
N. Goldman | |
Cold atom simulation of interacting relativistic quantum field theories | |
J. K. Pachos | |
Versatile cold-atom simulator of non-Abelian gauge potentials | |
D. Braun | |
Two-dimensional imaging of gauge fields in optical lattices | |
J. Cho | |
Wilson fermions and three-dimensional topological insulators in optical lattices | |
A. Bermudez | |
Dirac Equation For Cold Atoms In Artificial Curved Spacetimes | |
A. Celi | |
Abelian and non-abelian fields in an optical lattice | |
E. Alba | |
Round Table and Conclusions: "Present and Future of Quantum Simulations" | |
End of the round table | |