4th Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications
2010, Jan 02 -- Jan 15
E. K. U. Gross (Freie U. Berlin)
M. A. L. Marques (U. Lyon I)
F. Nogueira (U. Coimbra and CFC)
A. Rubio (U. Pais Vasco)
E.K.U. Gross | |
E.K.U. Gross | |
Overview of spectroscopies I | |
F. Himpsel | |
Many-Body: GW I | |
M. Verstraete | |
Introduction to the classes and codes | |
Quantum Dots I | |
E.K.U. Gross | |
Overview of spectroscopies II | |
F. Himpsel | |
Theoretical Spectroscopy | |
S. Botti | |
Propagation schemes | |
A. Castro | |
Discussion groups | |
Quantum Dots II | |
Many-Body: GW II | |
M. Verstraete | |
Linear Response Theory | |
S. Botti | |
Overview of spectroscopies III | |
F. Himpsel | |
Propagation schemes | |
A. Castro |
TDDFT in chemistry and biochemistry I | |
B. Curchod | |
Spectroscopy of surfaces | |
E. Ortega | |
Overview of spectroscopies IV | |
F. Himpsel | |
Models for time-dependent phenomena I | |
M. Lein | |
Quantum Dots III | |
Poster Session | |
Models for time-dependent phenomena II | |
M. Lein | |
TDDFT in chemistry and biochemistry II | |
B. Curchod | |
TD Current DFT I | |
C. Ullrich | |
Many-Body: BSE I | |
M. Gatti | |
Poster Session | |
Advanced TDDFT I | |
N. Maitra | |
Optimal Control in theory | |
A. Castro | |
Models for time-dependent phenomena III | |
M. Lein | |
TD Current DFT II | |
C. Ullrich | |
Models for time-dependent phenomena IV | |
M. Lein | |
Advanced TDDFT II | |
N. Maitra | |
Many-Body II | |
M. Gatti | |
TDDFT in chemistry and biochemistry III | |
D. Rappoport | |
TDDFT vs. Many-Body II | |
M. Gatti and A. Rubio | |
TDDFT in chemistry and biochemistry III | |
D. Rappoport | |
TD Current DFT III | |
C. Ullrich | |
Advanced TDDFT III | |
N. Maitra | |
Closing remarks / Pedro Pascual Prize 2010 | |
Chairperson: Angel Rubio | |
Registration | |
Opening Remarks | |
A. Rubio, F. Nogueira and M. Marques | |
Excitations in finite systems: pragmatic improvements of DFT and fundamental | |
S. Kuemmel | |
Long-range correction effects on the evaluation of first hyperpolarizability of high intrinsic hyperpolarizability molecules. | |
C. Cardoso | |
Time-dependent density matrix functional theory for weakly disordered systems: application to dilute magnetic semiconductors. | |
C. Ullrich | |
Time-dependent density matrix functional theory: an interacting alternative to TDDFT | |
O. Gritsenko | |
Discussion groups | |
Chairperson: Fernando Nogueira | |
Sodium under preassure: a charge-transfer insulator | |
M. Gatti | |
Electronic properties of materials for thin-film solar cells: Which ab-initio approaches can we trust | |
S. Botti | |
Applications of RPA, TDDFT and related response functions to correlation energies. | |
J. Dobson | |
TDDFT description of irradation and the Self Interaction Problem. | |
E. Suraud |
Mini-workshops | |
Chairperson: Mark Casida | |
Why Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory? | |
T. Seideman | |
Phase-Space Density Dynamics | |
N. Maitra | |
Chairperson: Marc Casida | |
Pragmatic and Dogmatic Spirits in Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory | |
R. Baer | |
Time-dependent deformation functional theory: From basic theorem's to first applications | |
I. Tokatly |
Chairperson: Miguel Marques | |
Electronic levels in liquids and near liquid-solid interfaces: An electrochemical perspective | |
M. Sprik | |
Non-adiabatic molecular dynamics with external fields | |
I. Tavernelli | |
Stochastic Quantum Molecular Dynamics: a functional theory for electrons and nuclei dynamically coupled to an enviroment | |
H. Appel | |
Stochastic time dependent (current) density functional theory: fundamental and applications | |
R. D'Agosta | |
Non-adiabatic molecular simulations | |
O. Sugino | |
Discussion groups | |
Poster Session | |
Chairperson: John Dobson | |
The Multifaceted Problem of Double - and Higher - Excitations in TDDFT | |
M.Casida | |
O2 dissociation dynamics at metal surfaces: not so simple after all | |
K. Reuter | |
Inverse confinement in luminiscent Silicon quantum dots | |
T. Niehau |
Mini-workshops | |
Chairperson: N. Maitra | |
Kinematically complet theoretical description of molecular ionization by synchrotron radiation and ultrashort pulses | |
F. Martin | |
The performance of TDDFT for excitation spectra of solids: From optical propierties and electron energy loss of simple metals to core - excitations in large gap materials. | |
C. Ambrosch-Darxl | |
1sr Poster prize | |
David A Strubbe | |
Chairperson: Stephan Huemmel | |
2nd Poster prize | |
Guillermo A Franco | |
Coffee break | |
GW quasi-particle spectra from occupied states only | |
P. Umari | |
Closing remarks | |
A. Rubio and F. Nogueira |