Taller de Altas Energías 2013
2013, Sep 15 -- Sep 28
M. Martinez (ICREA/IFAE Barcelona)
S. Peñaranda (U. de Zaragoza)
September 16 - September 27 (note that 15 and 28 are travel days)
The Taller de Altas Energias (TAE) is a yearly workshop aimed at completing the education of first and second year graduated students who are starting their research on experimental/theoretical high energy physics, astroparticles and cosmology. The program of the workshop combines courses delivered by international experts and individual work supervised by tutors. Lectures will be delivered in the mornings, whereas tutorials and more specific seminars will be reserved for the afternoons. Students will work through the solutions of problems proposed by senior lectures with the help of tutors. All students are encouraged to present and discuss their work during the second week of the school.
The 2013 edition will take place at Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual between September 15 and September 28. It is supported by CPAN, Red de Fisica de Particulas, and Centro de Ciencias de Bena sque Pedro Pascual.
The Center provides many facilities and an agreeable atmosphere to allow the participants to interact with senior speakers and tutors and also to carry their work during the meeting (see http://benasque.org/ for information about the centre facilities). The lecture halls and the rooms for discussion sessions are located in the Center. Computing and electronic communication facilities are available.
The working language of the school will be English.
List of courses
- Astroparticles (E. de O�a-Wilhelmi, IEEC-CSIC)
- Astroparticles (Javier Rico, IFAE - Barcelona)
- Quantum Field Theory: The Standard Model and the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking (J.I. Illana, U.Granada)
- QCD & Jets & MonteCarlo Modeling (M. Cacciari, LPTHE Jussieu)
- Jets Physics Results (J. Terron, U. Autonoma Madrid)
- Heavy Ions (Javier L. Albacete, U. Granada)
- Statistics (Glen Cowan, Royal Holloway, University of London)
- Flavour Physics: Theory (A. Pich, IFIC - U.Valencia)
- Flavour Physics: Experiments (B. Adeva, Univ. Santiago)
- Neutrino Physics: Theoretical and experimental results (Federico Sanchez, IFAE - Barcelona)
- Higgs Physics: SM and Beyond the SM (A. Casas, IFT/UAM-CSIC)
- Higgs Physics: Experimental results (Marumi Kado, LAL Orsay)
- Top Physics (J.A. Aguilar Saavedra, U. Granada)
- Top Physics and Electroweak Physics: Experimental results (Marcel Vos, IFIC - U.Valencia)
- Advanced Quantum Field Theory (Miguel A. V�zquez-Mozo, U. Salamanca)
- Introduction to Lattice QCD (C. Pena - UAM)
- Beyond the Standard Model: Supersymmetry (SUSY) (Michael Kraemer, RWTH Aachen University)
- SUSY: Experimental Results (M. D'Onofrio, Liverpool)
- Beyond the Standard Model: non-SUSY (M. Quiros, ICREA/IFAE - Barcelona)
- Beyond the Standard Model: non-SUSY Results (Steven Worm, STFC Rutherford)
- Cosmology: Theoretical Perspectives (D. G. Figueroa, UNIGE - Geneva)
- Cosmology: Experimental Results and Observational Cosmology (E. Fernandez, IFAE - Barcelona)
Special Talks
- Accelerator Physics (C. Biscari - ALBA)
- The LHC Experiments (T. Rodrigo, IFCA - Santander)
- Linear Collider Physics (J. Fuster, IFIC - U.Valencia)
- Dark Matter Searches (Igor G. Irastorza, U. Zaragoza)
- Detector Technologies applied to Life Science (Mokhtar Chmeissani, IFAE - Barcelona)
Registration Fee
Registration fee for the workshop is 200 euros per participant (excluding those invited speakers).
The accommodation as well as meals and travel are not covered by the fee. The organization will offer a reduced
number of grants for students. Those students applying for a grant should indicate it in their application form.
This registration fee must be paid to the account of the Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual after your
application has been accepted.
Ibercaja (account number): 2085 2310 3803 3004 4193
IBAN: ES44 2085 2310 3803 3004 4193
Please, send a copy of the transfer receipt (including your name, conference name and transfer details) by e-mail t
o info@benasque.org
Cancelation Policy
A 30 euro charge will be applied for cancelations made up to 10 days before the conference start date.
A no refund policy will be applied to cancelations made after this date.
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Further Information.