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Model design for atomtronics enabled quantum technology

Model design for atomtronics enabled quantum technology
2020, Mar 18 - Mar 20

L. Amico (U. Catania - Centre for quantum technologies, Singapore), A. Minguzzi (U. Grenoble Alpes - CNRS), C. Miniatura (Centre for quantum technologies, Singapore - MajuLab), A. Trombettoni (SISSA, Trieste), G. Roati (CNR-INO - LENS, Firenze), W. J. Chetcuti (U. Catania)

New frontiers in strong gravity

New frontiers in strong gravity
2020, Jul 5 - Jul 18

D. Blas (King's College London), P. Figueras (Queen Mary University of London), E. Lim (King's College London), L. Stein (University of Mississippi), H. Witek (KCL / UIUC), S. Nissanke (University of Amsterdam)

Precision for BSM

Precision for BSM
2020, Sep 27 - Oct 3

E. Barberis (Northeastern University, Boston), C. Grojean (DESY, Hamburg and HU, Berlin), A. Juste (ICREA/IFAE, Barcelona), J. Ruderman (NYU, New York), D. Wackeroth (SUNY, Buffalo)