Monday, July 14
General Meeting - 11:00, Seminar Room (School)The Rolling Tachyon as a Matrix Model
Neil CONSTABLE - 18:30, Seminar Room (School)
Tuesday, July 15
D-flationShamit KACHRU - 12:30, Seminar Room (School)
The Black Hole Singularity in AdS/CFT
Stephen SHENKER - 18:30, Seminar Room (School)
Wednesday, July 16
Plane Wave Matrix Theory from N=4 SYM on R×S³Jan PLEFKA - 12:30, Seminar Room (School)
Andy STROMINGER - 18:30, Seminar Room (School)
Thursday, July 17
String Interactions from Gauge FieldsJaume GOMIS - 12:30, Seminar Room (School)
Discussion Group: Strings in pp-wave background and N=4 SYM
16:00, Seminar Room (School)
Duality Walls in String Theory
Amihay HANANY - 18:30, Seminar Room (School)
Friday, July 18
Holography in Flat SpaceRaphael BOUSSO - 12:30, Seminar Room (School)
Mathematics for String Theory
Shing-Tung YAU - 18:30, Seminar Room (School)
Monday, July 21
Cosmic Acceleration from CompactificationPaul TOWNSEND - 12:30, Seminar Room (School)
(Anti-) D Sitter Space and 4d Holography
Eva SILVERSTEIN - 18:30, Seminar Room (School)
Tuesday, July 22
Vortices in String TheoryDavid TONG - 12:30, Seminar Room (School)
Wednesday, July 23
How to prove the BMN correspondenceMarcus SPRADLIN - 12:30, Seminar Room (School)
C-deformation and Non-planar Diagrams
Hirosi OOGURI - 18:30, Seminar Room (School)
Thursday, July 24
A Hagedorn Transition in weakly coupled Yang MillsShiraz MINWALLA - 12:30, Seminar Room (School)
Some recent work on the Salam-Sezgin model
Gary GIBBONS - 18:30, Seminar Room (School)