Advances and applications in carbon related nanomaterials: From pure to doped structures including heteroatom layers


R. Arenal (LMA-U. Zaragoza and INMA, CSIC-U. Zaragoza, chairman), C. P. Ewels (Nantes U.), D. Golberg (Queensland University of Technology), V. Meunier (Pennsylvania State University), A. Rubio (U. País Vasco - Fritz Haber Institut - Max Plank Gesellschaft)

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Download abstract booklet pdf here.

Monday, January 13

15:00-20:00 Bus Barcelona (Universitat) - Benasque

15:30-20:00 Bus Barcelona (Airport) - Benasque

20:30-22:00 Welcome Reception

Tuesday, January 14

Session I
Chairs: R. Arenal and A. Molina
08:45-09:20 Hydrogenating single-layer graphene
Marc Monthioux
09:20-09:35 PFAS removal using fluorinated carbon-based materials
Mohsen Adeli
09:35-09:50 The characteristics of lesser-known moiré patterns: a focus on higher-order patterns
Márton Szendro
09:50-10:05 Controlled growth of atomically-thin semiconductor films
Ariel Ismach
10:05-10:40 Graphene and layered materials for photonics and optoelectronics
Andrea Ferrari
Session II
Chairs: V. Meunier and A.C. Ferrari
11:15-11:50 Ab initio modelling of time-resolved angle-photoemission spectroscopy. Understanding ultrafast exciton dynamics in layered materials
Alejandro Molina-Sánchez
11:50-12:05 Light-matter interactions and trion dynamics in WS₂ nanotubes
Hila Shalom
12:05-12:20 Determining by Raman spectroscopy the average thickness and N-layer-specific surface coverages of MoS 2 thin films with domains much smaller than spot size
Matthieu Paillet
12:20-12:35 Resonance Raman response of confined carbyne solely driven by anharmonic interactions
Emil Parth
12:35-13:10 Fullerenes as a playground to search for quantum functionalities in molecular solids
Denis Arcon
Session III
Chairs: M. Monthioux and N. Alem
18:45-19:20 Mapping the defects in transition metal dichalcogenides through high-throughput first principles computations and experiments (online)
Geoffroy T.F Hautier
19:20-19:35 Sacrificial role of carbon nanostructures in hybrid titanium dioxide photoelectrodes
Alejandro Anson-Casaos
19:35-19:50 Direct visualization of temperature induced phase separation of completely miscible Au-Pd alloy by in-situ TEM
Abhijit Roy
19:50-20:05 Characterisation of host-guest interaction of stabilised C 59 N · c[10]CPP complex radicals
20:05-20:20 Compositional profiles of the PCBM fullerene derivative with the active layer of organic solar cells
Antonio Urbina
20:20-21:45 Poster Session and Cocktail

Wednesday, January 15

08:54-10:50 Session IV
Chairs: N. Tagmatarchis and D. Arcon
08:55-09:30 Testing nanotribology theories on heterogeneous carbon interfaces
Dogan Erbahar
09:30-09:45 Fullerene-like C59N qubits on diamond substrates. Simulation and experimental development
Bastien Anézo
09:45-10:00 Nonmetallic, bilayer Pt clusters on 2D MoS2 for ultrafast hydrogen evolution
Peter Vancso
10:00-10:15 High-throughput calculation of 2D carbon allotropes
Vincent Meunier
10:15-10:50 Engineering the structure and properties of 2D materials by defects, strain and intercalation
Arkady Krasheninnikov
11:14-13:10 Session V
Chairs: D. Erbahar and A. Urbina
11:15-11:50 Graphene oxide and beyond: Heteronanocarbon structures as functional 2D macromolecular platforms
Wolfgang Maser
11:50-12:05 Enhancing structural and electrical properties of semiconducting and insulating nanosheet networks
Hannah Wood
12:05-12:20 Graphene Oxide at Enamino-Xanthene Charge Transfer Complexes for TiO2 Photoelectrode Sensitization
Carlos Martínez-Barón
12:20-12:35 Effect of bimetallic catalyst on cellulose-derived graphitic biocarbon for energy applications
Shamala Gowri Krishnan
12:35-13:10 Electron microscopy and spectroscopy of low-dimensional hybrid materials
Kazu Suenaga
18:44-20:20 Session VI
Chairs: K. Suenaga and E. Obraztsova
18:45-19:20 Controlling functionality in 2D materials: From ferromagnetic and anticorrosive to optoelectronic and bio-applications (online)
Mauricio Terrones
19:20-19:35 Understanding the coupling of graphene oxide with protoporphyrin IX by co-localized Kelvin probe and fluorescence microscopies
Víctor Camús Hernández
19:35-19:50 Rheological study of stabiliser blends on rigidity percolation of carbon nanotube dispersions
Kevin Doty
19:50-20:05 Properties and structural analysis of incommensurate micro- and nano-tubular (SmxYx-x)S-TaS2 nanotubes based on quaternary misfit layered compounds
Raul Arenal
20:05-20:20 Engineering friction of 2D materials by defect generation: Graphene and MOS 2
Jaime Colchero
20:20-21:45 Poster Session and Cocktail

Thursday, January 16

08:54-10:50 Session VII
Chairs: A. Ismach and M. Monthioux
08:55-09:30 SWCNT- hybrids confining molecular nanostructures
Paola Ayala
09:30-09:45 2D and 3D Bond mapping in FeO/Fe3 O4 nanocubes using the low energy Fe- M 2,3 EELS edge
Mario Pelaez-Fernandez
09:45-10:00 Lignin graphenization using solar concentrated energy
Salomé Rigollet
10:00-10:15 Supramolecular interactions between 2-dimensional Ti0.87 O2 functionalized with a tweezer molecule and aromatic nanomaterials
Rubén Canton-Vitoria
10:15-10:50 Fibres of carbon nanotube intercalation compounds and the prospect of replacing copper
Juan José Vilatela
11:14-13:10 Session VIII
Chairs: J.J. Vilatela and P. Ayala
11:15-11:50 Chemical modification of transition metal dichalcogenides with photoactive components
Nikos Tagmatarchis
11:50-12:05 Detailed TEM Studies of 1D nanostructures based on layered cobalt oxide
Raul Arenal
12:05-12:20 Structure of carbon nanotube fiber intercalation compounds with halogens and metal halides
Ana Inés de Isidro Gómez
12:20-12:35 2D material via molten salts: synthesis and applications
Oren Regev
12:35-13:10 One-dimensional graphene for laser physics
Elena Obraztsova
18:44-20:10 Session IX
Chairs: W. Maser and R. Arenal
18:45-19:20 Investigation of the local atomic structure and properties in 2D crystal heterostructures using STEM
Nasim Alem
19:20-19:35 Exotic core-shell nanotubes synthesized via Van der Waals epitaxy
Vojtech Kundrat
19:35-19:50 Vertical heterostructure of 2D-materials: from sensing to wrinkle engineering
Manoj Tripathi
19:50-20:05 C60 catalysis in the prebiotic origin of life
Eftal Gezer
20:05-20:10 Closing remarks

Friday, January 17

08:00-13:30 Bus Benasque - Barcelona (Airport)

08:00-14:00 Bus Benasque - Barcelona (Universitat)