M. Juan (Uni. Sherbrooke), N. Meyer (ETHZ), J. Twamley (OIST)
M. Juan (Uni. Sherbrooke), N. Meyer (ETHZ), J. Twamley (OIST)
Download pdf version of the program here.
09:30-10:20 | Registration and Coffee |
10:25-10:30 | Foreword |
10:30-11:15 | Nanoparticles levitated in an ion trap: steps toward quantum control Tracy Northup |
11:15-11:45 | Morning break |
11:45-12:15 | Nanoparticle control with a hybrid optical-electrostatic chip Bruno Fernando Abreu de Melo |
12:15-13:00 | Quantum logic and precision measurements with 9Be+ ions Juan Manuel Cornejo Garcia |
13:00-16:30 | Lunch break |
16:30-17:15 | A superconducting microsphere magnetically levitated on a chip at millikelvin temperatures Witlef Wieczorek |
17:15-17:45 | Afternoon break |
17:45-18:30 | Spin-Rotation Coupling in Levitated Nanodiamonds with Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers Vanessa Wachter |
18:30-19:00 | Magnetometry and gyroscopic effects in levitated ferromagnets Andrea Vinante |
19:15-21:15 | Poster session and welcome reception |
10:30-11:15 | Optical trapping and cooling of high-aspect-ratio dielectric objects for precision sensing and fundamental physics Andrew Geraci |
11:15-11:45 | Morning break |
11:45-12:15 | Mechanical detection of nuclear decays Thomas Penny |
12:15-13:00 | Testing the quantumness of gravity without entanglement Julen Pedernales |
13:00-16:15 | Lunch break |
16:15-17:00 | Cavity nano-optomechanics with ultrasensitive force sensors: towards the single photon regime Olivier Arcizet |
17:00-17:30 | Fast Quantum Interference of a Nanoparticle via Optical Potential Control Mario Arnolfo Ciampini |
17:30-18:00 | Coffee break |
18:00-18:30 | Levitated optomechanics with nanophotonic interface Sungkun Hong |
10:30-11:15 | Magnetically levitated liquid helium drops: new regimes for superfluids and optomechanics Jack Harris |
11:15-11:45 | Morning break |
11:45-12:15 | Force sensing with a nanoparticle in a rotating trap Alex Fontana |
12:45-13:00 | Qauntum control of levitated nanoparticles in nonharmonic potentials Piotr T. Grochowski |
13:00-16:15 | Lunch break |
16:15-17:00 | Time-of-flight velocity measurements for a levitated nanoparticle under the feedback control of its six degrees of freedom Kiyotaka Aikawa |
17:00-18:00 | Coffee break |
18:00-18:30 | Ground-state cooling of the angular oscillations of a levitated anisotropic nanoparticle Lorenzo Dania |
18:30-19:00 | Classical rotation of quantum spins and quantum rotations of classical particles Alexander Wood |
10:30-11:15 | Nonlinearities in mechanical resonators approaching the quantum regime Adrian Bachtold |
11:15-11:45 | Morning break |
11:45-12:15 | Towards Magic Angle Spinning Magnetic Resonance on Optically Levitated Particles Lea Marti |
12:15-13:00 | Ferromagnetic levitation of a milligram-size Yttrium Iron garnet sphere Maria Fuwa |
13:00-16:30 | Lunch break |
16:30-19:30 | Afternoon discussions |
17:45-18:15 | Coffee break |
20:00-22:30 | Optional dinner at Restaurante La Llardana (50 eur. person) |
10:30-11:15 | Collective effects in a nonreciprocally interacting particle tweezer array Uros Delic |
11:15-11:45 | Morning break |
11:45-12:30 | A nonlinear mechanical oscillator in the quantum regime Matteo Fadel |
12:30-13:00 | Neuromorphic detection and control of interacting arrays of microparticles James Millen |
13:00-16:30 | Lunch break |
16:30-17:15 | Non-reciprocal interactions and entanglement between optically levitated nanoparticles Benjamin Stickler |
17:15-17:45 | Coffee break |
17:45-18:30 | Cavity quantum optomechanics with multiple levitated nanoparticles Jayadev Vijayan |
18:30-18:45 | Closing remarks |