X Partial differential equations, optimal design and numerics


G. Buttazzo (U. Pisa), O. Glass (U. Paris-Dauphine), G.Leugering (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), E. Zuazua (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Deusto Foundation - UAM)

Download the abstract booklet here.

Monday, August 19

09:30-10:15 On exact controllability, optimal control and domain decomposition for degenerated wave equations on networks.
Günter Leugering
10:15-11:00 Optimal coefficients for elliptic PDEs.
Giuseppe Buttazzo
11:30-12:15 Global L^p Carleman Estimates for the Laplace operator and applications.
12:15-13:00 SA-NODEs and the Universal Approximation of Dynamical Systems
Lorenzo Liverani
16:30-18:30 Thematic session on
organized by Martin Gugat
(Non)-synchronization of boundary observers for wave equations
Jan Giesselmann
Topological Derivatives for Control of Gas Networks
Jan Sokolowski
Location Problem for Compressor Stations in Pipeline Networks
Michael Schuster
Random batch method and emergence of domain decomposition
Martín Hernández Salinas
Isothermal flow in gas networks: Synchronization of observer systems
Martin Gugat

Tuesday, August 20

09:30-10:15 A viscoelastic model for skin via homogenization theory.
Juan Casado Díaz
10:15-11:00 Luenberger observers for the linearized water-wave equation (LWWE).
Pierre Lissy
11:30-12:15 Controllability of parabolic problems by the moment method in higher dimension.
Morgan Morancey
12:15-13:00 Kantorovich-Rubinstein duality for the Hessian and convex order.
16:30-18:30 Thematic session on "Shape optimization problems in analysis and in mechanics"
Organized by Karol Bołbotowski (Paris Lagrange Center, France) and Marí­a del Mar González (U. Autonoma Madrid, Spain)
Optimal design versus optimal transport
Optimal convex dominance – relations to mechanics and optimal transport
Karol Bolbotowski
About optimal shape design of sensors
Ilias Ftouhi
An optimal two-phase isolating material in the wall of a cavity
Juan Casado Díaz
A Steklov version of torsional rigidity
María del Mar González Nogueras
Geometric Analysis of Gradient Flow Problems in Shape Optimization
Jan Sokolowski

Wednesday, August 21

09:30-10:15 Eigenvalue decay bounds for the Gramian operator of the heat equation.
Martin Lazar
10:15-11:00 Energy consistent schemes for port-Hamiltonian systems.
Jan Giesselmann
11:30-12:15 Representation and Regression Problems in Neural Networks: mean-field relaxation, generalization, and numerics.
Kang Liu
12:15-13:00 Control in Computational Mathematics and Machine Learning.
Fariba Fahroo
16:30-18:30 Thematic session on 'Controllability and stabilization of hyperbolic problems'
Organized by Nicola De Nitti (EPFL, Switzerland) and Arick Shao (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
How much does it cost to control near a shock?
Vincent Laheurte
Control of Waves on Time-Dependent Domains
Arick Shao
(Lack of) Local controllability of a water tank controlled by acceleration
Armand Koenig

Thursday, August 22

09:30-10:15 Control and Machine Learning.
Enrique Zuazua Iriondo
10:15-11:00 Random Batch Method for Efficient Simulation and Optimal Control for Networked 1D Hyperbolic Systems.
Yue Wang
11:30-13:00 Thematic session on 'Analysis and control of wave phenomena'
Organized by Nicola De Nitti (EPFL, Switzerland) and Hugo Parada (U. Toulouse, France)
Controllability results for KdV-type equations
Hugo Parada
Exponential convergence to steady-states for damped adhesive strings
Nicola De Nitti
An insensitizing control problem involving tangential gradient terms for a reaction-diffusion equation with dynamic boundary conditions
Roberto Morales
On Boundary Controllability and Synchronization for Coupled Wave Equations
Yue Wang
16:30-18:30 Thematic session on 'Modern Techniques for Data-driven Modeling and Control Properties'
Organized by Yue Wang (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany) and Lorenzo Liverani (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
SA-NODEs and Universal Approximation of Dynamical Systems - Numeric Aspect
Ziqian Li
Interplay between depth and width for interpolation in neural ODEs
Antonio Álvarez López
Distributed resolution of large-scale aggregative optimal control problem
Kang Liu
Trajectory controllability for heat equations with memory
Yubiao Zhang
Data-driven Analysis of Dynamics and Koopman Operators
Christopher Sorg

Friday, August 23

09:30-11:00 Young researchers session I
organized by L. Davron and R. Vanlaere
Controllability of the Linearized Compressible Navier-Stokes System with Maxwell's Law
Sakil Ahamed
Local Controllability to the Trajectories of a Gray-Scott System
Mohmedmunavvar Mubarak Bapu
Discrete Controllability of a Parabolic System
Manish Kumar
Controllability of a multidimensional system of coupled parabolic equations
Mathilda Trabut
Quantification of unique continuation for the Laplace operator with rough potentials
Estimation of the controllable subspace for an induced earthquakes model
Lucas Davron
12:00-12:45 The moment method in action
Franck Boyer
12:45-13:45 Thematic session on 'Spectral methods for PDEs'
organized by Borbala Gerhat
Local energy decay for the damped wave equation
Julien Royer
Energy decay for strongly damped wave equations
Borbala Gerhat
Local subordination in Riesz basis analysis
Petr Siegl
16:30-18:30 Thematic session on the Turnpike property
Organized by Martin Gugat and Martin Lazar
An introduction to the turnpike phenomenon with ex- amples and links to recent results
Martin Gugat
Turnpike behaviour for systems that are partially uncontrollable
Martin Lazar
Exponential average turnpike property with average observation
Martín Hernández Salinas
Optimal Boundary Control for the Transport Equation under Uncertainty: A Turnpike Result
Michael Schuster

Monday, August 26

09:30-10:15 Control on one side for the 1D compressible Euler equation
Olivier Glass
10:15-11:00 The current state in the field of nonlocal conservation laws.
Alexander Keimer
11:30-13:00 Thematic session on 'Analysis and Control of Some Machine Learning Architectures'
Organized by Antonio Álvarez López (U. Autónoma Madrid, Spain), Rafael Orive Illera (ICMAT Madrid, Spain)
Clustering in transformer models in machine learning and its role in sentiment analysis
Albert Alcalde
Robust training of neural ordinary differential equations
Daniel Fernández
Multiclassification and universal approximation of multilayer perceptron
Martín Hernández Salinas
Efficient federated learning via the alternating direction method of multipliers
Ziqi Wang
16:30-18:30 Thematic session on 'Calculus of Variations, Symmetry, and Singularities'
Organized by Nicola De Nitti (EPFL, Switzerland) and María del Mar González (U. Autonoma Madrid, Spain)
The limiting case of the fractional Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality
María del Mar González Nogueras
Self-similar solutions, regularity and time asymptotics for a nonlinear nonlocal diffusion equation
Marco Antonio Fontelos
Necessary conditions for minimizers of optimal control problems
Francesca Angrisani
Non-degeneracy, stability and symmetry for the fractional Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality
Nicola De Nitti
19:00-21:30 Reception

Tuesday, August 27

09:30-10:15 A PDE-based model-free algorithm for Continuous-time Reinforcement Learning
Yuhua Zhu
10:15-11:00 Control of parabolic equations with inverse square infinite potential wells.
Arick Shao
11:00-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-13:00 Thematic session on 'Modern Techniques for Data-driven Modeling and Control Properties II'
Organized by Antonio Álvarez López (U. Autónoma Madrid, Spain) and Chuang Zheng (Beijing Normal University, China)
Control-based classification with neural ordinary differential equations
Antonio Álvarez López
Hybrid data-driven and mechanics inspired modelling
Matthys Jacobus Steynberg
A special fuzzy number vector space and applications
Chuang ZHENG
16:30-18:30 Thematic session on 'Controllability of dispersive equations'

Small-time local controllability of the multi-input bilinear Schrödinger equation
Théo Gherdaoui
Carleman estimates for the Schrödinger equation with dynamic boundary conditions and applications
Roberto Morales
Schrödinger eigenfunctions sharing the same modulus and applications to the control of quantum systems
Kévin Le Balch
Adrien Tendani-Soler

Wednesday, August 28

09:30-10:15 Autonomous Optimal Transport
Nicola De Nitti
10:15-11:00 Group discussion: suggestions for future editions
Enrique Zuazua Iriondo
16:30-18:30 Thematic session on 'Analysis of evolution equations and applications'
organized by Arijit Das and Maria Filipkovska
Population balance equation for collisional fragmentation
Hypoelliptic Kolmogorov operators
Giulio Pecorella
Criterion of the global solvability and attracting sets for singular and abstract differential-algebraic equations and applications
Maria Filipkovska
p-Wasserstein metrics for gas networks
Ariane Fazeny
The backward problem for time-fractional evolution equations
Salah-Eddine Chorfi

Thursday, August 29

09:30-11:00 Thematic session on 'Stabilization, Control of PDEs and related topic'
organized by Salah-Eddine Chorfi and Roberto Alejandro Morales
Observability of the heat equation from very small sets
Kévin Le Balch
Controllability and Inverse Problems for Parabolic Systems with Dynamic Boundary Conditions
Salah-Eddine Chorfi
Observability of Stochastic Evolution Equations in Infinite Dimensions
Lahbiri Fatima Zahra
Abstract Damped Wave Equation: the optimal decay rate
Lorenzo Liverani
11:30-12:15 Final discussion and closing remarks
16:30-18:30 Free discussion and joint work time