Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual

Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual

Session image

International Congress on Media, Gender and Sexualities: Representations, Literacies and Audiences

2023, Jun 06 - Jun 10

Maria-Jose Masanet (University of Barcelona)
Marķa Teresa Soto-Sanfiel (National University of Singapore - UAB)

Call for participation

This congress hopes to encourage the presentation of communications that are based on known conceptual apparatuses (e.g., queer theories, theories of representation, feminist and gender studies, theories of the gaze, intersectional perspective) and other more innovative ones, even those proposed at the congress itself. Regarding the proposals for workshops and practical activities aimed at generating knowledge, the congress hopes to receive proposals for experiences and dynamics that use the media (its representation and consumption), and analyse and promote the literacy of different audiences in the topics of interest. The presented proposals can be conducted and/or discussed on the days of the congress in specific time slots that will be distributed among the different accepted submissions.

Proposals for participation must be submitted in due time and form. The section to which they are being submitted (Communications or Proposals for workshops or activities) must be stated together, in the case of communications, with their main subject area (Performances, Literacies or Audiences). Both types of proposals must be sent in a Word document, Chicago format, and must contain the title of the proposal, a 500-750 word abstract and the cited bibliography. They must also include the full names and affiliations of the authors (Department, University, Country, Email) and a brief biography of each one (maximum 100 words).
Communication files must be named as follows: Communication_field_surname/s of first author. For example: communication_representation_gonzalez. Workshop or activity files should be named Workshop_surname/s of first author. The congress proposes the use of the following template to assist with the submission of proposals.

Proposals can be submitted in Spanish or English. Most of the congress sessions will be in English for the sake of internationalisation, but presentations and/or activities can also be run in Spanish, depending on the number of proposals that we receive in that language. In whatever case, it must be possible for all proposals that are submitted to the congress, whether in Spanish or English, to be presented in English.

Proposals for participation can be submitted until 24 February 2023 via the virtual secretariat of the congress (congressmediagendersexuality@gmail.com). Acceptance or not will be announced about March 20.

The CCBPP has received financial support for the organization of scientific meetings from the following institutions:

  • Ministerio de ciencia, innovación y universidades
  • Gobierno de Aragón
  • logo CSIC
  • DPH
  • Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Ayuntamiento de Benasque


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