2017, Jul 10 -- Jul 14
Juan León (IFF-CSIC)
Juan José García Ripoll (IFF-CSIC)
The ICE are the regular meetings of the Spanish Network on Quantum Information and Quantum Technologies, providing a discussion place for the community and internationally renowned scientists in the field, with a strong focus on young scientists.
The ICE-4 edition is organized in Madrid, combining two days of tutorials (10th and 11th), with a three day workshop (12th-14th) including invited and contributed talks and posters, that cover quantum communication, quantum information theory, quantum simulation, quantum metrology and photonics and enabling technologies.
Preliminary list of invited speakers & teachers
Scientific committee
In order to participate, create a user account through the application form below. Acceptance to the workshop will be confirmed by email, no later than May 25th.
If you wish to present a contribution to the workshop (12th-14th), submit it using the form before May 15th. Notification of acceptance of contributions will also be done by email, no later than May 25th.
We have a limited number of accommodations at the Residencia de Estudiantes that can be booked using Benasque's facilities.
Abstract submission
Abstract submission is closed. The deadline for submissions was May 15th.
This event is sponsored by the RICE Excellence network financed by MINECO under contract FIS2014-53592-RE, and also by contributions from the following institutions and research centers.
Further Information.