Monday 5
- 12:00h General Meeting
- 12:15h The neutrino mass problem
J. Bernabeu (Universitat de València - IFIC)
- 18:00h Nu-Sources and New-Policies
E. Fernández (IFAE Barcelona)
Tuesday 6
- 12:30h The status of neutrino physics
S. Bettini (Dip. di Fisica G. Galilei. Univ. and INFN Padova)
- 18:00h
The neutrino mass spectrum from atmospheric neutrinos in matter
S. Palomares-Ruiz (UCLA & Vanderbilt University)
Wednesday 7
- 12:30h
Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations: Discovery
and present results
F.Sánchez (IFAE Barcelona)
- 18:00h K2K
S. Andriga (IFAE Barcelona)
Thursday 8
Friday 9
Monday 12
- 12:30h Astrophysical neutrinos and their sources
T. Weiler (Vanderbilt university)
- 18:00h Neutrino telescopes
J. J. Hernández (IFIC Valencia)
Tuesday 13
- 12:30h Models of neutrino mass
J. M. Frère (Univ. Libre Bruxelles)
- 18:00h Leptogenesis and CP violation
M. Rebelo (Instituto Superior Tecnico)
Wednesday 14
Thursday 15
Friday 16
- 12:30h Lepton number violation and neutrino dipole moments
P. Minkowski (Univ. Bern)
- 18:00h Neutrino superbeams
T. Nakaya (Kyoto Univ.)
Monday 19
- 12:30h The CNGS Programme/OPERA
Max Sioli (Bologna University and INFN)
- 18:00h The FermiLab Programme/MINOS
Steven Boyd (Imperial College)
Tuesday 20
- 12:30h Phenomenological approach to lepton mass matrices
Marco Picariello (Milano University)
- 18:00h The neutrino charge radius
Joannis Papavassiliou (Valencia University and IFIC)
Wednesday 21
Thursday 22
- 12:30h Non-decoupling of heavy neutrinos
Francisco del Aguila(Universidad de Granada)
- 18:00h Concluding talk
David Wark (Imperial College)
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