Second LatticeNET workshop on challenges in Lattice field theory


I. Campos (IFCA-CSIC), E. Follana (U. ZARAGOZA-CAPA), M. E. Gámiz (U. GRANADA-CAFPE), M. García (IFT UAM-CSIC), G. Herdoíza (IFT UAM-CSIC), P. Hernández (IFIC), A. Parreño (U. BARCELONA-ICCUB), C. Pena (IFT UAM-CSIC), A. Ramos (IFIC), F. de Soto (U. Pablo de Olavide), A. Vaquero (U. ZARAGOZA-CAPA)

The Spanish thematic network on Lattice QCD, LatticeNET, funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, announces the organization of the second LatticeNET workshop on challenges in Lattice field theory devoted to a relaxed and fruitful discussion, in an exceptional environment, of selected topics in lattice Field Theory. We plan to have invited talks, short presentations and ample time for exchange of ideas.

The workshop will start on the morning of Monday 31th March 2025 and finish on the afternoon of Friday 4th April.

We foresee three or four talks each day, in the morning and in part of the afternoon, leaving the rest of the day for contributed presentations and discussion. Benasque offers an agreeable atmosphere for participants to discuss and exchange ideas.

If you are interested in giving a short (15 mins.) talk, please write to E. Follana at the following address: latticenet2 at


- g-2
- Weak decays, QED
- Nuclear Physics
- Flavor Physics
- Chiral gauge theories
- Heavy quarks
- Topology
- Flows
- Tensor networks

Confirmed speakers

- Mari Carmen Bañuls
- Martha Constantinou
- Matteo Di Carlo
- Antoine Gérardin
- Matteo Giordano
- David Kaplan
- Alessandro Nada
- Agostino Patella
- Fernando Romero
- Rainer Sommer
- Justus Tobias Tsang
- André Walker-Loud

Registration fee information

The registration fee for this conference is 350 eur.

Pay by bank transfer

The registration fee must be paid to the account of the Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual after your application has been accepted.

Ibercaja (account number): 2085 2310 3803 3004 4193
IBAN: ES44 2085 2310 3803 3004 4193

Remember that your registration is complete only after the payment is made.

* Please, pay after your application has been accepted.
* Please, send a confirmation by e-mail to
* Please pay all bank charges
* Include as a subject in the transfer '2025lattice Your_Surname'
* In the comments section include:
      Full name of the conference and your name.

Pay by credit card

Credit card online payments here.

* You have to be registered.
* Please, pay after your application has been accepted.

*Cancellation Policy*
A 30 euro charge will be applied for cancellations made up to 10 days before the conference start date.
A no refund policy will be applied to cancellations made after this date.

Bus transportation

The center provides free buses:
From Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal 686, Metro: L3 Palau Reial at 15:00h (Note that the bus stops opposite University of Barcelona, Facultat de Física i Química)

From Barcelona airport ('El Prat', Terminal T2A: on leaving exit, turn left and you will find a police building called 'Mossos d'Esquadra'.
Cross the road using the zebra crossing and turn left. The bus will stop there) at 15:30h.

Return buses:
From Benasque to Barcelona airport and then university, departure at 9:00h.
The trip by bus to Barcelona takes 4-5h. approximately. The trip by car only takes 3h 30m.

Bus trajectories and dates:
- Barcelona-Benasque, March 30.
- Benasque-Barcelona, April 05.

Registration & accommodation

Application deadline is February 28

Further Information.

  • List of participants.
  • Scientific program.
  • Pictures