Confinement and symmetry from vacuum to QCD phase diagram


T. D. Cohen (Maryland U.), L. Glozman (Graz U.)

QCD with massless quarks is chirally symmetric. At zero temperature and baryon density this symmetry is spontaneously broken and the quarks and gluons are confined inside hadrons. The connection between confinement, spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry and hadron mass generation is a fundamental issue. Even though QCD is now more than half a century old, this issue has not been fully elucidated. Exploring this connection is a principal theme of this workshop.

A second theme of the workshop, deeply connected with the first is the behavior of QCD matter at higher temperatures and densities. At low temperature and density the matter is well described as a gas of hadrons while at very high temperatures it is believed to behave like a weakly interacting plasma of quarks and gluons. There are also intriguing results from lattice simulations suggesting the possibility of a qualitatively distinct intermediate regime/phase associated with an approximate emergent symmetry. A key question is how can these various regimes/phases of QCD matter be understood in terms of symmetries and effective degrees of freedom.

The workshop will explore these issues using a variety of tools and approaches.

Invited speakers

C. AlltonY. AokiP. Bicudo
C. BonannoJ.-Y. ChenA. Cherman
M. D'Elia G. DunneG. Endrodi
Y. FujimotoK. FukushimaF. Geurts
J. GreensiteY. HidakaI. Horvath
T. KovacsP. LowdonB. Lucini
L. McLerranJ. MickleyA. Nefediev
J. PawlowskiO. PhilipsenR. Pisarski
M. PradeepH. ReinhardtT. Schaefer
M. ShifmanL. von SmekalT. Sulejmanpasic
Y. TanizakiM. UnsalYi-Bo Yang
The participation is by invitation only. If you want to participate with a shorter talk or without you need to get the invitation; please contact one of the organizers:
T. Cohen (cohen at, L. Glozman (leonid.glozman at

Registration fee information

The registration fee for this conference is 350 eur.

It includes bus transportation from Barcelona to Benasque and back, reception,
conference dinner, coffee and snacks two times a day

Pay by bank transfer

The registration fee must be paid to the account of the Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual after your application has been accepted.

Ibercaja (account number): 2085 2310 3803 3004 4193
IBAN: ES44 2085 2310 3803 3004 4193

Remember that your registration is complete only after the payment is made.

* Please, pay after your application has been accepted.
* Please, send a confirmation by e-mail to
* Please pay all bank charges
* Include as a subject in the transfer '2025csv Your_Surname'
* In the comments section include:
      Full name of the conference and your name.

Pay by credit card

Credit card online payments here.

* You have to be registered.
* Please, pay after your application has been accepted.

*Cancellation Policy*
A 30 euro charge will be applied for cancellations made up to 10 days before the conference start date.
A no refund policy will be applied to cancellations made after this date.

Further Information.