Seminar Schedule
Tuesday 1
- M. Golterman (Washington U.)
"Chiral fermions on the lattice"
Seminar room, 12.30h
- L. Bonilla (U. Carlos III)
"Universality of the Gunn effect in semiconductor physics"
Seminar room, 18.30h
Wednesday 2
- V. Zakharov (U. Michigan)
"Phenomenology of Renormalons"
Seminar room, 12.30h
- F. Ritort (U. Amsterdam / U. Barcelona)
"Statistical Physics of Glassy Systems"
Seminar room, 18.30h
Thursday 3
- Y. Imry (Weizmann I.)
"Mesoscopic Physics and Orbital Magnetic Response"
Casa de la Cultura, 17.00h
Friday 4
- P. de Forcrand (ETH Zurich)
"Fermionic Monte Carlo Algorithms"
Seminar room, 12.30h
- F. Guinea (CSIC)
"Fullerens, the Dirac equation and all that"
Seminar room, 18.30h
Monday 7
- M. Campostrini (U. Pisa)
"Matrix Models at large N"
Seminar room, 12.30h
- A. van der Sijs (ETH Zurich)
"A lattice field theoretical model for High-Tc superconductivity"
Seminar room, 18.30h
Tuesday 8
- C. Korthas Altes (CNRS Marseille)
"Phase Transition at High Temperature in Particle Physics"
Seminar room, 12.30h
- A. Castro Neto (UC, Riverside)
"Superdonducting Phase Coherence in Stripped Cuprates"
Seminar room, 18.30h
Wednesday 9
- M. Asorey (U. Zaragoza)
"CPN Sigma models at theta different from zero"
Seminar room, 12.30h
- Informal discussion on SO(5) symmetry in high-Tc
Seminar room, 16h
- S. Sorella (SISSA)
"Finite size spectrum of the 2D Heisenberg model"
Seminar room, 18.30h
Thursday 10
- J. Zinn-Justin (Saclay)
"3D Ising Model Equation of State"
Casa de la Cultura, 17.00h
Friday 11
- S-S. Xue (INFN Milan)
"The twisted Wilson fermion for the Standard Model on a lattice"
Seminar room, 12.30h
- J. Gonzalez (CSIC)
"RG approach to interacting electrons. Some examples"
Seminar room, 18.30h
Monday 14
- A. Auerbach (Technion)
"What tunnels faster: fractional charges or electrons"
Seminar room, 12.30h
- J. Alfaro (U. C. Chile)
"The supersymmetric Itzykson-Zuber Integral"
Seminar room, 18.30h
Tuesday 15
- C. Burgess (Mc Gill)
"SO(5) and high Tc-superconductivity:
A tourist's perspective"
Seminar room, 12.30h
- Informal discussion on
Instantons, cooling and the topological
structure of YM vacuum (moderated by Teper)
Seminar room, 17h
- R. Valenti (Dortmund U.)
"Non reciprocal photons and phonons in magnetic systems"
Seminar room, 18.30h
Wednesday 16
- Informal discussion on Skyrmions and QHE (moderated by L. Martin Moreno)
Seminar room, 11h
- A. Slavnov (Steclov Math. Inst.)
"Fermions on the lattice"
Casa de la Cultura, 17.00h
Thursday 17
- M. Teper (Oxford U.)
"SU(N) gauge theories for any N in d=2+1"
Seminar room, 12.30h
- M.A. Martin Delgado (U. Complutense)
"The recurrence Relation method for Heisenberg and t-J ladders"
Seminar room, 18.30h
Friday 18
- L. Alvarez-Gaume (CERN)
Closing talk of the '97 session
Seminar room, 11.30h