Time dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications

3rd International Workshop and School   

2008, August 31 - September 15

Workshop Preliminary Program

Day I: Thursday 11th

09h00 - 09h10

E.K.U. Gross

Opening remarks 

09h10 - 10h00

Kieron Burke

Semiclassical origins of density functional theory

10h00 - 10h50

Stefano Baroni

10h50 - 11h20

Caffeine break


11h20 - 12h10

Marc Casida

TDDFT pushing the limits of and going beyond the adiabatic approximation

12h10 - 13h00

Stephan Kuemmel

Memory effects in real time: Probing the adiabatic approximation in TDDFT

13h00 - 15h00

Lunch break


15h00 - 15h50

Andreas Goerling

TDDFT with frequency-dependent exchange-correlation kernels

15h50 - 16h40

Kerstin Hummer

Absorption spectra from TDDFT: do hybrid functionals account for excitonic effects?

16h40 - 17h10

Beer break


17h10 - 18h00

John Rehr

Real-time TDDFT approach for linear and non-linear optical response

18h00 - 18h30

Xavier Andrade

18h30 - 19h20

Roi Baer


Day II: Friday 12th

09h10 - 10h00

Sohrab Ismail-Beigi

Optical properties of GaN nanotubes from many-body GW-BSE perturbation theory

10h00 - 10h50

Yasutami Takada

The electron self-energy in the Green's-function approach: Beyond the GW approximation

10h50 - 11h20

Caffeine break


11h20 - 12h10

R.W. Godby

Exchange and correlation in quantum transport

12h10 - 13h00

Massimiliano di Ventra Stochastic TDCDFT: a functional theory of open quantum systems

13h00 - 15h00

Lunch break


15h00 - 15h50

Roberto Car

15h50 - 16h40

Risto Nieminen

Applications of TDDFT to clusters and

16h40 - 17h10

Beer break


17h10 - 18h00

Silvana Botti

Photoelectronic properties of chalcopyrites for photovoltaic conversion: self-consistent GW calculations

18h00 - 18h20

Contributed talk

Winner of the school poster session

18h20 - 18h40

Contributed talk Runner-up of the school poster session

20h00 Workshop Dinner

Day III: Saturday 13th

09h10 - 10h00

Nikos Doltsinis

Nonadiabatic Car-Parrinello MD

10h00 - 10h50

Osamu Sugino

Nonadiabatic dynamics by TDDFT

10h50 - 11h20

Caffeine break


11h20 - 12h10

Troy Van Voorhis

Electron transfer and electron transport: fighting self-interaction in TDDFT

12h10 - 13h00

Kazuhiro Yabana


13h00 - 15h00

Lunch break


15h00 - 15h50

Ivano Tavernelli

Non-adiabatic mixed quantum-classical dynamics using TDDFT

15h50 - 16h40

Claudia Filippi


16h40 - 17h10

Beer break


17h10 - 18h00

Daniele Varsano


18h00 - 18h50

Rodolfo del Sole


18h50 - 19h40

S. Ossicini


Day IV: Sunday 14th

09h10 - 10h00

N. Maitra


10h00 - 10h50

P. Romaniello

Double excitations in finite systems

10h50 - 11h20

Caffeine break


11h20 - 12h10

Claudio Verdozzi


12h10 - 13h00