Summer School on
Scalable Quantum Information Processing and Computing
Benasque Center for Science
2006, June 11 -- June 24
P. Grangier
M. Lewenstein
Scientific Secretary:
G. Morigi
(UAB Barcelona)
During the week June 18--24, this School runs jointly with the Workshop on
Quantum - Classical Transition and Quantum Information. People interested in
attending both events need to register separately on each of them.
Preliminary list of lecturers and topics
- M. Brune (ENS, Paris), Quantum computing with Cavity QED
- E. Demler (Harvard), Quantum simulators
- R. Fazio (SNS, Pisa)*, Solid-state quantum computing
- W. Hänsel (Innsbruck), Quantum computing with ion traps
- R. Laflamme (Waterloo)*, Scalable quantum computer, general ideas
- J. P. Paz (LANL, Buenos Aires), Decoherence and quantum computing
- A. Rauschenbeutel (Bonn), Quantum computing with neutral atoms
- A. Sen (ICFO, Barcelona), Theory of communication protocols
- J. Wehr (Tucson), Disordered systems
- A. White (Brisbane), Photonic quantum computing and communication
*: To be confirmed
The detailed program of this Summer School can be downloaded here:
This school is part of the education and
dissemination program of the FP6 Integrated Project
SCALA. In case of receiving a large
number of applications, some priority will be given to students affiliated
to groups of the SCALA consortium.
This session has received financial support from the following
institutions: SCALA, BBVA, Ayuntamiento de
Benasque, Universitat de Barcelona and Universidad de Zaragoza.
Workshop on
Quantum - Classical Transition and Quantum Information
Benasque Center for Science
2006, June 18 -- June 30
M. Lewenstein
J. P. Paz
(Los Alamos / U. Buenos Aires)
W. Zurek
(Los Alamos)
Scientific Secretary:
D. Dalvit
(Los Alamos)
During the week June 18--24, this Workshop runs jointly with the Summer School on
Scalable Quantum Information Processing and Computing. People interested in
attending both events need to register separately on each of them.
List of invited participants:
- J. Anglin (Kaiserlautern)
- S. Barlett (Sydney)
- R. Blume-Kohout (Caltech)
- A. Cabello (Sevilla)
- L. Davidovich (Rio de Janeiro)
- J. Eisert (Imperial College)
- F. Haake (Essen)
- R. Horodecki (Gdansk)
- B. L. Hu (Maryland)
- M. Kus (Warsaw)
- R. Laflamme (IQC)
- G. Mahler (Stuttgart)
- R. Mohanty (Boston University)
- J. Schmiedmayer (Heidelberg)
- K. Schwab (Cornell University)
- F. Sols (U. Complutense Madrid)
- R. Spekkens (Cambridge)
- P. Zanardi (Torino)
This Workshop is organized by Los Alamos National Laboratory (
This session has received financial support from the following
institutions: LANL, BBVA, Ayuntamiento de
Benasque, Universitat de Barcelona and Universidad de Zaragoza.