Biological Membranes: Current Challenges

2005, July 31 -- August 19

Profs.  Fred MacKintosh   (Vrije University; )
             Alex Travesset  (Iowa State University;

This workshop is intended to discuss progress and challenges of all aspects regarding our understanding of biological membranes from a soft condensed matter perspective, both theoretically and experimentally. Focus topics will include: mixtures, domains and proteins in membranes, adhesion and membrane-cytoskeleton interactions, membrane fusion, membrane pores, dynamics and hydrodynamics and interactions of membranes with ions, polymers and proteins.
The aim of the workshop will be to stimulate discussions and collaborations among participants, with a low number of seminars. Desks and computer facilities will be provided.

This session has received financial support from the following institutions: BBVA, Ayuntamiento de Benasque, Universitat de Barcelona and Universidad de Zaragoza.